Purna Jual
Garansi Kendaraan
PT Chery Motor Indonesia berkomitmen seluruh pelanggan setia Chery Indonesia dengan memberikan garansi kendaraan selama 6 tahun/150.000 km apabila terdapat cacat material atau kesalahan dari hasil kerja pabrik.

Garansi Mesin
PT Chery Motor Indonesia memberikan garansi selama 10 tahun/1.000.000 km spesial untuk mesin Tiggo series dengan ketentuan mesin tersebut mengalami cacat material atau kesalahan dari hasil kerja pabrik.
Gratis Perawatan
PT Chery Motor Indonesia berkomitmen untuk memberikan gratis perawatan atau service di dealer resmi PT Chery Indonesia selama 4 tahun/60.000 KM kepada seluruh pelanggan setia Chery Indonesia.

6 Stars Service
1. Customer Reminder
Remind our customer about the service time following certain time for periodical maintenance
2. Customer Care
Follow Up after service or as the periodic asking about the vehicle condition. Meet the customer when needed.
3. Booking
Easier the customer for appoint service
4. Car Pickup and Drop Off
Easier the customer do servicing just only waiting at home and the vehicle will pick up and delivery to customer after service. Currently the service coverage area ONLY for jakarta, Bekasi and Tangerang. Customer are FREE unlimited whithin 1 year for applied maintenance and repair.
5. Competitive Free Maintenance
Affordable Price for Chery Ownership. PT. Chery Sales Indonesia gives Free Maintenance 4 years/60,000 km (Which comes first). The Free Maintenance included Parts and Labour following the service Booklet
6. 7×24 Hour Roadside Assistance
7×24 Hour road assistance supporting customer when having the trouble. The coverage area is nationwide (Indonesia) with range 50 km to nearest dealer. Customer get FREE unlimited within 1 year for applied all roadside assistant